Friday, April 5, 2013

Snow, Snow go away see you on a far away day!!!

Here in the North Country I think I can speak for most of us, “WE ARE SICK OF SNOW!”

I for one can’t wait to start my garden plotted for this year.

Let me back track for a bit, Charlie and I moved into his parent’s house. We fondly call it the homestead. The homestead was built by Charlie’s parents in the early 50’s. Every nail pounded by them, every brush stroke by my in-laws.

Charlie’s Dad had a garden for a few years and that is where we plan to plot our garden out.
I prefer a square foot garden rather than one by rows.
Once we have it all plotted out we will decide what veggies to plant where.
I prefer to have plants that help each other together.

My first square will have my heirloom Mammoth snow peas. I will build a tower of three long about ten feet high poles. Tying them as a tripod at each pole I will place 1 plant of peas. In the space under the tripod I will grow spinach. The rest of the space will be filled with radishes.
This will take 2 squares. And yes I am getting ahead of myself because the soil isn’t ready yet…

Once again I beg you to follow me back to the plot.
The day to plow is when you can form a handful of earth and it will hold without water dripping.. But it will crumble..

Man I can’t wait for that day!
 Did I tell ya how sick of snow I am lol? 

I get the lovely job of taking out the grassy clomps and toss them into the wheelbarrow.
 This ole gal doesn’t like to waste anything so I will fill in any holes that old man winter may have left me.. With the best of the grassy clumps.

My secret to a happy garden, is the food I feed it in spring.
 A mixture of rotted horse manure, peat moss and a good potting soil. Shovel it into the garden a good 6 inches deep and then the Love Of My Life will plow it under again. The last step is a layer of peat moss over the top of the soil. And lightly water the whole plot. This will start the soil to begin its rebirth. Can I get an Amen! And yes I usually dance around the garden every year .. Its my Julia thingy,  I figure a celebration can’t hurt right?

Some of you readers may remember I started a worm farm. Well I have three trays full of worms.. and I will add them to the garden. Lordy bless the worms. They take all my paper and peelings and make it into a very rich soil!

Next is to place down the walkways. I have used recycled pizza boxes over the years, under the boxes I place my peelings, grass clippings and leaves. The worms love it under there also, I can always find plenty of worms for fishing!

Now I am trying something on my bucket list, making a twig fence. To keep out the pests hopefully! Along the fence I can grow beans and marigolds.

I will make a place for the gate. If I find an old chest of drawers I will place it out there to hold all my garden items.
Friends it is time for me to go … next will be pics of me out there getting all kinds of dirty! Til then make some happy memories and get those hands dirty!